Hoy quiero enseñaros mis nuevas gafas que compré por internet,he esperado casi dos meses!!!!!!!!tenía muchas ganas de que vinieran,y esta mañana al llegar a casa las tenía encima de mi cama yuhuuu la verdad que ha sido lo mejor del día,estoy harta de los exámenes!y encima aun no he acabado,el lunes tengo el último y es de anatomia de 3 temas (muerte) en fin..mientras voy a disfrutar de lo poco que queda de la tarde del viernes y mañana empezare a estudiar,chaoo!
Already I am again hereabouts after two harassed weeks that I have taken of examinations:S Today want to teach you my new glasses that I bought for Internet, have waited almost two months!!!!!!!! It had many desires from which they were coming, and this morning on having come to house they were had on my bed yuhuuu by the truth that has been the better of the day, I am fed up of the examinations! And it raises even I have not finished, on Monday I have the last one and it is of anatomy of 3 topics (death) in end .. while I am going to enjoy the little that stays of the Friday evening and tomorrow it will start studying, chaoo!
Que graciosas las gafas! x